WAVE 68-84

Slovakia and world
October 2010
Tomáš Žáček, Katarína Trnovská
Phase of the project: 

Wave 68-84 is mapping the architectural production of the young Slovak architecture generation. It analyzes this group, classified by their age, through the critical texts of Hans Ibelings/NL, Ivan Gürtler/SK, Maria Topolčanská/SK and Imro Vaško/SK and evaluates the state of young architecture based on a sample of 108 selected projects by chosen 41 studios and architects.

Edited by: Tomáš Žáček a Katarína Trnovská

“This is a selection, a sample of several of those who deserve attention. It is a good sign for Slovak architecture at the beginning of the 21st century and the 3rd millennium.”
Ivan Gürtler, Doc. Ing. arch. Akad. arch. *1942, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

” The will to innovate is combined with the pragmatic awareness that architecture knows it financial and construction its technical limitation”
Hans Ibelings*1963, critic, curator, chief editor of A10-New European Architecture

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