
competition - 1st place
Búdkova cesta, Bratislava, Slovakia
November 2012
Tomáš Žáček, Soňa Pohlová, Igor Žáček + 2ka landscape architects
Phase of the project: 

Imagine former site of old outdoor amphitheatre virtually unsuitable for residential development. Terrain too steep for comfortable traffic, sloping northward preventing proper insolation. On the other hand it is offering spectacular views on Bratislava and proximity of one of the oldest park in Bratislava. And competition task was to create modern residential zone.
We distributed proposed volume along the edges of the site. It helped to solve insolation
and gave us opportunity to place underground garages along the edge of the site leaving heart of the zone for grandiose and green public space connected with adjacent park.
Houses were designed essentially as rowhouses with flexible floor plan and set of various facades. Inspiration for them can be traced to modern slovak villas from 30ties which and 50ties present in the neighbourhood.
Final composition of the buildings is also serving as small reminiscence of the former amphitheatre.

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